Převzato z Borodin
Pola Roupa a Nikos Maziotis jsou vězněni za akce anarchokomunistické gerily Revoluční boj. V těchto dnech potřebují naši solidaritu více než kdy dříve. Dne 11. 11. 2017 zahájili v řeckém vězení hladovku a poslední dostupná zpráva z 15. 12. 2017 říká, že jejich zdraví je v kritickém bodě. Nikos se z důvodu svalové a fyzické slabosti může pohybovat pouze pomocí invalidního vozíku. Stav se může dále zhoršovat. Veškerá podpora soudruha a soudružky z Revolučního boje je vítaná.
Solidaritu s bojem Nikose Maziotise a Poly Roupa!
Hladovkáři vysvětlují kontext boje v obsáhlém prohlášení, které je v celém znění na tomto linku. Níže je citována jenom část odkazující k cílům hladovky.
So we commence a HUNGER STRIKE today Saturday, November 11th with the following demands:
To withdraw the provision in Article 11 para, 6 pt. E and para. 4 in the same article regarding the detention in police stations. Do not bring back the Type C prison regime. Immediately release Nikos Maziotis from the isolation in which he is held by a decision of the ministry since last July.
Introduce adjustment to the correctional code for the easing of visitor hours based on the frequency of visits a prisoner has. For example, a prisoner who has one hour per month visit or cannot at all extend the time of the meeting.
There should be a special meeting room for parents to meet with their children (there is no such place in the Korydallos men’s prison) and when the frequency of meetings is rare, the meeting time should increase accordingly.
In our case the visits with our child, take place once a month due to distance and the time of one hour that is imposed is a mockery for the child. Also other visitors than that, we do not get at all. Everyone in prison knows this condition and the frequency of visits is written in the prison books.
The prosecutor of the prison refused to extend the time to meet with our child while they are aware of everything and insist on one hour per month, a decision directly against the child itself as it completely discredits our meeting. Potentially with 1 hour it is desired to completely cancel the meetings with our child.
In order to achieve even the bare minimum to meet the needs of our child to communicate with us due to the inability to visit us often we request:
· Visiting with our child to last at least three hours.
· Visiting between us two hours.
· Similar arrangements are provided for similar cases and should be extended to the minimum time for parents’ meetings with their children.During the hunger strike we must be given a telephone conversation with our child and our lawyers.
We state from the outset that we will not receive serum when hospitalized, we will only receive water throughout the strike and do not think of force feeding us.
Pola Roupa – Nikos Maziotis,
members of Revolutionary Struggle